The job of a leader is to properly manage their resources to produce the greatest return on investment for the organization. Developing employees is a cornerstone to improving the performance of an organization. As the manager of a team, developing employees will be done through consistent communication and ongoing coaching. When should coaching conversations take place? What should you do before, during and after a coaching session?
Three Roles of the Leader
As a leader, do we want our followers to “want” or “need” us? It should be obvious that we want our team to “want” us, not “need” us. To be a strong leader, how can we promote an environment where our team “wants” to follow us? The answer lies in three key roles the leader must serve with their teams. These three roles are called Observer, Coach and Guide.
Appreciation for Communication… the Human Dilemma
Why is it that poor communication seems to be at the root of so many issues? Why do 97% of Fortune 500 executives believe that communication played a key role in the advancement of their career? There is actually a simple answer to these questions: Communication is everyone’s dilemma, but if properly mastered, it can be one of our leading strengths.
“1,000 Hands”
As a sales manager, do you want to know the absolute worst thing I’ve ever heard from a current customer? “I see your competitors more than I see you.” That hurts. That’s also an eye opener. Why is it that when a sales person is pursuing a new opportunity or customer, they apply the tender loving care that all customers crave?
What’s your name again?
According to a 1998 study at Yale University, the most persuasive word in the English language is a person’s name. When you can remember someone’s name, it establishes a foundation of trust and respect, while making you appear highly knowledgeable and credible. People love the sound of their own name, and hearing it out loud makes people feel comfortable.
iSpeak Webinar: 5 Questions You Need To Ask Before You Buy
“iSpeak delivered one of the Top 10 Best Classes I have ever taken in my 30-year career. The workshop had: 1) Good structure, 2) Excellent tools to deliver effective training content, 3) Able to develop practical content during class, 4) excellent skilled instructor.” – Tom Hardy, Exterran Nothing improves until something changes, but changing to …
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Communication Factors
When you communicate face-to-face, people receive information through what you say verbally, how you sound vocally, and how it appears visually. The entire package must be synchronized for maximum benefit.
Socrates should have been a salesman!
Why is it that Socrates is regarded as one of the greatest teachers of all time? Did he understand the importance of engaging his students into the problem solving? Was it his amazing ability to have the students take ownership of the problem by creating their own solution? Did his guidance with questions lead the students to their own conclusions? Did Socrates understand that when a student took ownership of the problem and the resolution, they were more likely to understand and retain that knowledge?