Is Your Data Presentation a Tangled Mess? Computers have brought us to an age where data can be wrangled 8 ways to Sunday in a matter of nano-seconds. Some people call that the “heavy lifting” of data analytics. In my opinion, the toughest lifting of data analytics is when the data has to be communicated …
3 Ways to Fix the Data Dump Presentation
“We really want to help our technical teams communicate better.” This was the request from our data analytics customer when I asked, “What are you trying to change with training?” This is not an uncommon request. I’ve heard it increasingly over the past ten years. When I probe further to ask what they mean by …
Why should I listen to you?
Have you ever been asked to deliver a data-driven presentation and it ends up being a tangled mess? You’re not alone. There are four levels of interpretation for data-driven presentations. These levels range from inform to interpret to recommend to influence. Depending on your goal with the audience (the reason you’re speaking to them) your …