“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius Harry de Leyer was late to the auction on that snowy day in 1956, and all of the good horses had already been sold. The few …
The Persuasive Weapon of Counter-Arguing
When we make persuasive presentations or write proposals, our gut reaction is usually to hide any flaws in our logic and minimize any doubts the audience may have in our appeals. But what if, instead of dancing around the audience’s issues, you shine a spotlight on them? What if you took the words right out of their mouths and then provided a compelling answer to their doubts? That’s the art of counter-arguing.
Training and Development in 2017
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” – Johann Goethe Where should we put our focus? When budgets are tight, training is often the first to get cut. However, now is not the time to scale back on employee development. Now is the time to get the most …
Fear Factor
“If you are prepared you will not fear.” When I first heard the saying, “If you are prepared you will not fear”, I thought it was the answer to all causes of concern and fear. Yet, we continue to observe situations like the following: A senior manager briskly moves to the front of the room …
iSpeak Wins Silver Stevie Award
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – March 5, 2016 – ISPEAK, INC. was presented with a Silver Stevie® Award in the SALES TRAINING PRACTICE OF THE YEAR category in the tenth annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service last night. The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service are the world’s top sales awards, business development awards, …
iSpeak Webinar – Corporate Storytelling: How to inspire with a story
“Corporate Ovations thoroughly covers it from A to Z if you want to learn to give an effective presentation. You’ll find lots of great ideas to make you a more powerful communicator. It will teach you to put the audience first and that will help make you a first-class speaker.” – Mark Sanborn, Award winning …
iSpeak Webinar – Corporate Storytelling: How to inspire with a storyRead More
iSpeak Webinar: 5 Questions You Need To Ask Before You Buy
“iSpeak delivered one of the Top 10 Best Classes I have ever taken in my 30-year career. The workshop had: 1) Good structure, 2) Excellent tools to deliver effective training content, 3) Able to develop practical content during class, 4) excellent skilled instructor.” – Tom Hardy, Exterran Nothing improves until something changes, but changing to …
iSpeak Webinar: 5 Questions You Need To Ask Before You BuyRead More
Communication Factors
When you communicate face-to-face, people receive information through what you say verbally, how you sound vocally, and how it appears visually. The entire package must be synchronized for maximum benefit.