We heard you!
And we've created some new CABA and MAS example videos for you to use in your classroom. Some of the requests for new videos included:
- Provide a group meeting example to open with CABA (very informal)
- Create some examples that are less formal and not like keynote speeches
- Provide a new video of Kevin NOT wearing a red shirt 😉
- Create HD video examples
Well here they are! You can download each video below and then embed them into your PPT file for your Corporate Ovations workshop. Each video is debriefed in the Speaker Notes section of the PowerPoint Video slides.
Please give us some feedback or questions if you have any!
(Right-Click on the "Download Videos" Text below each video to SAVE them)
Thank you for all you do for your students!
Kevin and Russ
NEW Wide-Screen Format PPT
Day 1 Presentation - Just need to embed your videos from below
CO-BP_PPT_Day 1-WIDE-CERTIFIED-iSpeak_v21.0_20170220
Day 2 Presentation - Embed your videos below
CO-BP_PPT_Day 2-WIDE-CERTIFIED-iSpeak_v21.0_20170220
Bill - CABA Opening
Cynthia - CABA Opening (Keynote example)
Download Cynthia's Keynote CABA
Kevin - CABA Example
Russ - CABA Example
Cynthia - GROUP Meeting CABA Example
Download Cynthia's Group Meeting CABA