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The Corporate Ovations Group Study is designed for a leader to facilitate a presentation skills group study. Everything you need is right here!
- Download the Leader Guide
- Download the Participant Guide
- Watch the Group Study Video together as a team and complete the group activity
This program sells for over $249, but we want to give it to you free! Please don't keep this material a secret. If you find it helpful, pass it along to someone else who could use it to up-skill their teams.
All the best,
Russ Peterson Jr. and Kevin Karschnik
Group Study Workbook Downloads
Lesson 1: Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
Lesson 2: Know Your Purpose
Lesson 3: Audiences Want You to Connect
Lesson 4: Open with Power
Lesson 5: Close with Confidence
Lesson 6: Structure the Presentation Body
Lesson 7: Corporate Storytelling
Lesson 8: Say It Like You Mean It
Lesson 9: Engaging Body Language
Lesson 10: Using Visual Aids
Lesson 11: Handling Questions
Lesson 12: Rehearsal and Evaluation