Do you have a large group for a webinar? Want to pick the topic, date, and time?
Contact us and we will host a private webinar for your organization, up to 500 attendees.
"I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for the webinar today. The two facilitators were amazing. The content was great, the visuals were clean and relevant, and the interaction between the two facilitators was powerful. Whoever was the producer of the webinar was highly skilled, and deserves some recognition. The technology worked beautifully, and the facilitators interaction with us as the audience was world class. The webinar was worth every minute I invested. I am looking forward to the next one." - Michael W.
2025 FREE Webinar Lineup!!
Come join us as we tackle topics like being a visionary, approachability, confidence and storytelling.
Already know you want all we have to offer? Register for all 12 FREE webinars with in one easy step!!
Quarter 1 FOCUS: Visionary
January - March
The Alpha and Omega of Your Message
Public speaking is nerve racking for many, and research has shown that those nervous feelings spike at the beginning and the end. As a result, your audience stops listening. Is there a solution to help me be more confident and engaging?
Replay: Thursday, January 16, 2025 | 12:00pm-1:00pm CT
When flying a plane, it is imperative that you have a flight plan. You know where you are going and how to get there. Yet the most important parts of that journey are the take-off and the landing. That is where so much could go wrong. In this webinar you will learn how to get your message off the ground. Then, how to end with a smooth and impactful closing to complete your successful presentation.
Six Questions to the Right Result
No one attends a meeting to waste time! Audiences ONLY want what they need to be successful, not EVERYTHING you know. With so much data at our disposal, how do we know what to share? We will show you.
Replay: February 10, 2025 | 10:00am-11:00am CT
Let’s be honest, not every business presentation you’ve seen has hit the mark with being relevant to you. How many times have we asked, “Why am I even in this meeting?” Proper preparation will prevent you from delivering the wrong message to the audience. In this webinar you will learn the two areas of preparation and the six questions that must be answered to define the GAP between your audience and your presentation goal.
Four Tools to Translate Data
So, you’re presenting the “What” of your research… then you hear your audience say “So what?” How do you help them understand the impact of the data?
March 11, 2025 | 2:00pm-3:00pm CT
Not all audiences speak the same business language. You are in IT and you are speaking to the finance team. How do you engage this group? Audiences want to not only understand the logic of the data, but they also want to understand the weight, the gravity, and the importance of the data. Help them engage with the data by implementing these 4 powerful data engagement tools.
Quarter 2 FOCUS: Approachability
April - June
Leading from Where You Are
How do you influence when you have no formal authority? In today’s matrixed organizations knowing how to lead others effectively without authority is a powerful skill.
April 15, 2025 | 11:00am-12:00pm CT
Influence is only effective when you know what you’re aiming for and if you have the right power source to support it. In this webinar you will learn where influence draws its power from and how to choose which communication tool is best. Applying influence can be done in writing, conversation and from the stage. Who will you lead to a better tomorrow?
Use Messaging to Influence Change
While change seems to be increasing in frequency, many people are still uncomfortable with it. How can you help others deal with change so the team can achieve more?
May 16, 2025 | 1:00pm-2:00pm CT
How can you communicate change to a team to help them overcome fears and doubts, How can you help them get on board with the plan? Leaders constantly face these situations because by definition, leaders are always going somewhere… otherwise they wouldn’t be leading! If there is movement to a new place, it’s guaranteed, something is changing.
How you communicate that change to the team will determine whether anyone wants to follow or not. Learn how to structure and deliver your change messages for the greatest positive impact.
Building Stronger Relationships- Logic, Emotion, Empathy
Want to be better at the art of conversation? Want to build trust with everyone you talk to?
June 9, 2025 | 12:00pm-1:00pm CT
The strongest relationships are built on trust and trust is built over time… but how? Much of it is affected by how we communicate with each other through conversation. Taking our conversations to a trust-building place (level 3) enhances our relationships. Learn the 3 different levels of conversations in this webinar and how to navigate through them using a 3-step follow-up questioning technique.
You’ll become a better conversationalist, develop trust, and enhance both your business and personal relationships.
Quarter 3 FOCUS: Confidence
July - September
Presenting in the Hot Seat
When someone disagrees with you, has an aggressive question, or they put you on the spot… How do you react?
July 17, 2025 | 10:00am-11:00am CT
Conversations and persuasive presentations aren’t always pleasant when someone has a strong opposing opinion. When we let our emotions get out of control, our intelligence tends to run low. This is why some of our worst decisions are made when we our feelings are far from equilibrium.
Our formula for responding to these tough questions can help you check your emotions before they highjack your response. Learn how to maintain control and respond in a way to keep conversations productive.
Fear...Friend or Foe? Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety
Do you still feel those butterflies sometimes before you speak? We can help.
August 14, 2025 | 3:00pm-4:00pm CT
You may be comforted to know that if you suffer from fear of public speaking, you’re definitely not alone! This is one of the most often asked questions we get in our workshops. What can I do to overcome the fear? The answer is simple… but not easy. Be authentic. So that begs two questions… What is authenticity? and… How can I become more authentic? You will learn proven techniques that will help you control your nerves and feel more confident.
Presentation Killers- Top 5 Communication Tips
The most effective speakers know how to communicate effectively no matter what the situation and no matter who is in the audience.
September 19, 2025 | 9:00am-10:00am CT
In this webinar, you will learn communication skills focused on your presence and delivery. If you’ve ever wondered about those speakers who just seem to have “it” while others don’t, we can help you not only define “it”, but we can help you find yours.
We will help you master your first impression, project confidence, and increase your approachability by implementing the top five tips for effective communication.
Quarter 4 FOCUS: Storytelling
October - December
Elements of a Narrative- The Mountain Model
Have you given them the data but they still don’t seem to get it? Or they just don’t agree? They’re not influenced to move or change? Learn the five elements of a narrative and create the most powerful influence tool . . . The Story.
October 14, 2025 | 3:00pm-4:00pm CT
Have you ever noticed that if you grocery shop when you’re hungry, your grocery bill tends to go up? That’s because when we feel a hunger (NEED), we see more solutions! The simple method for influencing change is to make them aware of a problem and then provide the answer. In other words, the audience wants the whole story, not just your solution. In this webinar, we will share the 5 key elements of the influence messaging model so you can use it with your next influence opportunity.
Four Message Models for Four Types of Audiences
Not every audience is looking for the same thing, nor does every message structure fit every need. How do you know which to use and with whom? We will show you four for four.
November 10, 2025 | 11:00am-12:00pm CT
Before you begin to take your audience on an intellectual journey, you need to know what your goal is for this message, and what the audience is expecting. Does your audience know what to do or is the path forward yet to be discovered? Will they see it as easy or difficult? Each of these define the audience and how to reach them.
The 2025 Year in Review Webinar!
It's been quite a year! Come join us to review this year's highlights!
December 12, 2025 | 1:00pm- 2:00pm CT
Join us for the most informative, fun, and fast-paced webinar you will ever see! We will recap all of the best tips from every webinar we delivered in 2025. We may even have some special guests to help us share the insights!
Love what you see? Register for all 12 FREE webinars with in one easy step!!
We've been doing this for over 25 years and we're looking forward to the next 25!
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