Whether you’re Jewish, Christian or neither, you’ve probably heard the Biblical story of the shepherd boy destined to become a king. David was the shepherd boy who courageously accepted the fight-to-the-death challenge from the Philistine warrior Goliath, a man twice his size. It’s a classic tale of the underdog facing the champion. If you’ve heard …
How do you Influence Without Authority?
When I was young we used to find adventure on the new home sites at the end of our street. A big pile of dirt would quickly become a trophy centerpiece to do battle for the reigning title of “King of the Mountain.” If you’ve never played it before, every person tries their best to …
The Easy Way to Get Data to Tell a Story
What is the most common complaint we hear from people sitting through ineffective slide show presentations? There’s no story! It’s just a bunch of data. The speaker has given us the “show up and throw up” version of the presentation. It’s as if they opened up a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle box and dumped it …
3 Tools to Crystalize Your Message
My student gave me one final comment as she was exiting my workshop. She said, “My biggest takeaway from today? Less is more. I won’t forget that.” She smiled and shook my hand as I thanked her for her participation and insights. When you’re the speaker, you’re trying to achieve an objective when you speak. …
Leading with Fear Will Fail in the End
When I’m on long flights overseas, I end up watching at least one movie. Most recently on my trip to Korea I watched the movie King Arthur. I’m familiar with the storyline and I was curious how this adaptation would be different. In this version, the power craved uncle (played by Jude Law) thinks that …
Training Strategies to Maximize Results
Training is about imparting knowledge, developing skills, and changing attitudes. Exercises in training programs must be designed properly to maximize the desired results. Effective training classes incorporate the appropriate level of exercises for you to achieve those results. Do you know the four levels of learning exercises? Do you know the best training method and format to achieve the desired level of learning?
What do Texas Hold ‘em and Communication Skills have in common?
According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian, when the words you speak, the tone of voice you use and your portrayal of body language are not in complete alignment, your message becomes less believable.
What do Texas Hold ‘em and Communication Skills have in common?Read More
21 Inspiring Quotes for Leaders
I’ve always loved the wisdom found in a short statement. In keynote speaker terms, we call these “sticky statements.” If you’re speaking to an audience and you make a statement that causes everyone to write it down, you just gave them a sticky statement. As we’ve brought the first quarter of 2018 to a close …